News dal mondo
EU Medicines Network Strategy Extended To 2028 To Align With Pharma Reform
European Medicines Agency (EMA) Patients' and Consumers' (PCWP) and Healthcare Professionals' (HCPWP) Working Parties joint meeting This meeting brings together the members of the Patients and Consumers Working Party (PCWP) and the Healthcare Professionals Working Party (HCPWP)... [EMA]
European Medicines Agency (EMA) Patients' and Consumers' (PCWP) and Healthcare Professionals' (HCPWP) Working Parties joint meeting
This meeting brings together the members of the Patients and Consumers Working Party (PCWP) and the Healthcare Professionals Working Party (HCPWP)... [EMA]
US FDA Guidance for Industry: ANDA Submissions – Amendments to ANDAs under GDUFA
FDA revised the final guidance for industry entitled, “ANDA Submissions – Amendments to Abbreviated...
Ministero Imprese: firmato il decreto per l’attivazione del Fondo IPCEI “Salute 1”
l ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, con apposito decreto, ha disposto l’attivazione...
US FDA Guidance Calls for Three-Step Mitigation Strategy for Nitrosamines
The FDA urges API and drug manufacturers to adopt a three-step mitigation strategy to prevent high levels...
Persone Qualificate delle officine farmaceutiche farmaci VETERINARI - Nuova disciplina Ministero Salute da Settembre 2024
Con riferimento al Regolamento (UE) 2019/6 e D.Lgs. 218/2023, il Ministero Salute ha ritenuto opportuno...
le ultime news
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US FDA: Inspection backlog
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Rapporto Draghi sull'economia europea: cooperazione, debito comune e sfide per la competitività. Focus su Settore Farmaceutico
De Agostini debutta nella farmaceutica: acquisito il 100% di Content Group
08 Ago
AIFA - Requisiti aggiuntivi per la creazione di tutti gli eCTD da sottomettere sul Portale CESP
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